Thursday, September 18, 2008

Theology of Physical Fitness

This might seem like a light question and I’ll admit it is not on the deepest of notes.

However, given how many people in our culture (and I’m guessing Christians too) spend time, energy, and money working out, I’ve been trying to understand what is a proper theology regarding the subject.

Personally, I like going to the gym and really enjoy working out.

However, since there is so much idolatry (worshiping the created physical body rather than the creator) surrounding the practice, it seems at times quite easy to throw out the entire notion of physical fitness as being vain narcissism.

Most will agree, I think, that since our bodies are also considered to be temples of the Holy Spirit, that we should thus be good stewards of our bodies and care for them and keep them from wrongful neglect. Yet, health remains the primary concern here.

However, we know that we were created in the image of God and that our bodies possess a certain kind of “splendor” as well (1 Cor 15:40) It is said that the human body is the supreme creative handiwork of God; his masterpiece creation. Thus in it is endowed with a certain beauty and pleasure.

My thought is that perhaps, upon rejecting our culture’s current infatuation with body image and physical appearance, we may neglect to appreciate and enjoy what God has created as good and beautiful.

Paul says that “flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable.”

But like all good gifts, they are for our enjoyment and God’s glory and should be received and stewarded with thanksgiving.

Just some thoughts on physical fitness in the Christian life…